The Big Data Association was founded in Russia in October 2018. Today the Members of the Association include Yandex, VK, SberBank, Gazprombank, Tinkoff Bank, MegaFon, Rostelecom, QIWI, Beeline, MTS, the Skolkovo Foundation, the Analytical Center for the Government of the Russian Federation, VTB Bank, Center for Strategic Research (CSR).
The mission of the Association is to create favorable conditions for technologies and product design in Russia’s Big Data market. The Association is engaged in developing common principles and standards for processing, storing, transmitting and using Big Data. The Association Members’ joint solutions will form the basis for the Big Data policy in each Member company.
Our priority tasks include developing a business-oriented strategy for the development of the Big Data market, enhancing the technical and operational efficiency of interactions between the industry participants, and developing of a Code of Ethics for the use of Big Data to protect the Users’ interests.